Tuesday, May 18, 2010

God is Our Portion

"The Lord is my portion”, says my soul (Lamentations 3:24).  In the world, children inherit the property and estate of their parents.  That is their portion.  God Himself is the portion of His children.  Thomas Brooks explained why nothing can satisfy the soul without God, “Our God is a suitable portion.  No object is as suitable to the heart as he is,  He is a portion that is exactly suited to the condition of the soul in its desires, needs, wants, longings and prayers.  All the soul needs is found in God.”  The point that Brooks is making is very important.  If a man is in prison, condemned to die within the hour, what value would the news that he has just inherited a very large estate have for him?  No matter how beautiful the estate is, it has no value to the condemned man because it fails to meet a more pressing need.  It would not please him or give him joy, because it does not suit his present condition.  But if someone arrives with news that the condemned man has been granted a pardon, what cause he has to rejoice!  Brooks concluded that, “The highest good is that which is the most suited to do good to the soul.  God is thus the most excellent portion suitable to the soul.”  I have personally found this subject to be very edifying and fascinating.  God willing, it will engage our attention for a few days. 

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