Friday, February 26, 2010

Learning from the Best—2

On Tuesday I shared with you some thoughts on God’s promises to guide and support those who look to Him in submissive faith.  Yesterday I acknowledged my increasing debt to the wonderful Puritan teacher, Thomas Manton.  Today I want to give you Manton’s comments on the qualifications necessary to see those promises fulfilled.  Or, to put it in the words of Psalm 25:12: “Who is the man that fears the Lord?  He will instruct him in the way he should choose.”  Manton emphasized that, just as this verse indicates, a “fear of the Lord” is the basic qualification required. Someone who fears God has a greater awe of His word than others have, and is loath to do anything contrary to God’s will.  Such a person, in every particular situation, will want to do what is pleasing to the Lord.  In a beautiful turn of phrase, Manton wrote that God is able to trust such submissive hearts with great promises, knowing that they won’t abuse that trust for selfish ends.  The person who fears God aims at His glory rather than selfish interest, and so is dominated by conscience rather than worldly concerns.  Teaching like this, that digs beneath the surface of every subject is thrilling!  Like the other Puritan teachers, Manton is never superficial.  With carefully nuanced sentences that convey profound thoughts, I find reading him very rewarding and instructive.  I’ll continue tomorrow.

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