Sunday, February 21, 2010

Great Peace

“Those who love Your law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble” (Psalm 119:165). This wonderful verse has been a favorite of many Christians, and I have always been encouraged by it. Let me quote from Thomas Manton’s thoughts on this verse: “We have peace when our affections (desires, emotions) are calmed, and rightly ordered, or set upon more worthy and noble objects; so that we are not troubled by the loss of outward things. These are the ingredients necessary to internal peace.” Love for God’s word fills the heart with such peace, that nothing can make us fall away from Him. The apostle Paul echoes this promise in Philippians 4:7: the peace God gives will guard our hearts and minds, protecting us from evil influences and temptations. If we love God’s law, and have thereby obtained great peace, we will not stumble at any of God’s providences. In other words, nothing that God brings into the life of Christians who truly love His word will ever cause their faith in Him to falter. Hearts that are filled with a peace that surpasses comprehension cannot be enticed away from God.

1 comment:

Elaine Roys said...

I recently told Maureen about a conviction that pierced me while reading Eph 5:5. I repented because the conviction was so strong and in the days to follow as I continued to walk in obedience I discovered that I woke up in the morning with a sweet peace- ready to face the day- whatever it should bring. so I heartily applaud your post. ER