Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Word of God

The goal of all of the Christian’s interaction with the word of God is edification (1 Corinthians 14:26).  Hearing and reading God’s word is the great means of making the believer strong in the faith.  In verse 31, Paul tells us that the teaching of God’s word does two things, both of which are necessary in order for us to fully benefit from the teaching of Scripture.  The apostle writes that “all may learn and all may be exhorted.”  First, all are to learn, that is, to gain knowledge, to be instructed in the great truths and doctrines of the Bible. In it we find such wisdom as we never dreamed of.  The Scripture has so much to teach us about God, ourselves, and the great work of redemption by which sinners are restored to God’s favor.  But knowing what the Bible teaches, as indispensable as that is, is not enough.  We also all need to be exhorted, that is, to have our hearts and affections stirred up to love the doctrines of the Bible, and the God that is presented to us in its pages.  We need fresh encouragement every day.  God has given to His church His priceless word to provide all that we need.  We can never exhaust all the treasure that awaits us in God’s word.

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