To endure the greatest trials we must have faith. Christians must understand the nature of biblical faith and how it is grounded on the promises of God. Faith must have an object. We must believe something. Without a promise, faith has nothing to believe in. Without God’s promises, there can be no biblical faith. And what exactly are God’s promises?
The promises we find in Scripture reveal how far and for what God is to be trusted. God’s loving purposes for believers are declared in His promises. They show us the great blessings the Lord has in store for us. They circumscribe the boundaries that our faith must operate within. We cannot exercise faith on something that the Lord has never promised us. Faith that is firmly grounded on divine promises draws our hearts away from worldly pleasures. The great work of faith is to bring our hearts to God. Faith cannot do this if our hearts are dominated by desires for the things of this world. To break this domination, God’s promises reveal by how much the happiness of Christians excels that of unbelievers. What a tragedy it is when a person seeks for nothing beyond the pleasures of this life! Faith in God’s precious promises breaks this fatal bondage by assuring believers of God’s unshakable love for them and by filling their future with hope.
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