Sunday, January 3, 2010

Priorities and Choices

God has commanded us to seek His kingdom and His righteousness before the interests of our bodies, before the  things we need in this world (Matthew 6:33).  He has promised that if we live by this prority we will not lack what we need.  Whoever fails to live by this wisdom is a fool in God’s eyes.  Our commitment to this priority will be tested.  The truly wise person has learned that heaven is to be preferred before earth, the salvation of our souls before the welfare of our bodies, and the greatest affliction is to be chosen before the least sin.  We have the example of Moses, who chose to suffer affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:25).  Thomas Manton, the great Puritan, wrote that the choice Moses made, which may seem so radical to us at first glance, is eminently worthy of our consideration and imitation.  We will consider it further tomorrow.

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