Saturday, January 16, 2010

Faith is not Positive Thinking

Today a word of warning.  Beware of spiritual counterfeits that promise or guarantee you the power of God if you just follow their formula.  There are many so-called “Christian” books and ministries that claim to be biblical, but are in reality nothing but positive thinking.  These books will guarantee you a certain amount of blessing if you will engage in a certain amount of Bible reading or memorization.  They assert that an hour of prayer will guarantee you a determined result.  If you “believe God for” a set amount and are really convinced it will be given, you cannot fail.  Just believe hard enough, desire it supremely, and it will happen. This is not faith in God, it is faith in the power of positive thinking.  This involves your imagination, not trust in God’s promises. Bible reading is not magic.  These people can guarantee you nothing.  They can promise you nothing.  They are not God.  The Spirit of God sovereignly blows where He wishes (John 3:8);  He determines when and how much of His power will be poured out upon believers.  God imparts His divine influences through the means of the Bible and our faith, but He retains His sovereignty in dispensing His blessings.  

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