Monday, December 28, 2009

Satisfied yet Longing for More

Another of the distinguishing signs of true conversion listed by Jonathan Edwards is that the true believer will always want to know more of God and experience more of His transforming grace.  The greater our love grows, the more our desire for Him grows.  The paradox is that although we always want to experience more of God, there is no suggestion here that we what we have attained leaves us unsatisfied.  Worldly pleasures are never satisfying, they only give temporary pleasure.  The pleasure is over as soon as the desire is satisfied, and the basic appetite of human nature for happiness returns empty.  In contrast, each step we take as Christians can be profoudly satisfying, even though we will always have a longing to experience more of God.  The higher our affections are raised, that is, the more our love for God increases, the more our longing for Him grows.  In Philippians 3, Paul wrote that the single most important thing in his life was  to know and enjoy more of Christ every day.  This longing for more of God and holiness is a great distinguishing mark of true conversion. 

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