Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Proof of Indwelling Sin

Just as Psalm 119:35 is a remarkable proof of inspiration, so it is also convincing evidence that every person has a sinful nature, with no ability to obey God.  In that verse, David prays that God would make him do what he delights to do.  Why does he need the Lord’s help to do what should be easy to do?  What prevents him from doing what he loves to do?  The apostle Paul wrestled with this same problem in Romans 7.  There he tells us that having a desire to obey God is not enough.  We need God’s power to overcome indwelling sin.  David had to struggle with this same enemy.  He recognized that the desire to do the Lord’s will was not sufficient in itself to overcome the downward pull of his fallen nature.  The uniform teaching of the Bible is explicit: we are completely dependent on God’s enablement to deal with our greatest enemy—our own sinful hearts.

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