Sunday, November 22, 2009

God's Word and Great Peace

Jesus promised His disciples peace of heart (John 14:27).  We experience this peace when by faith our hearts are free from distracting cares and are set upon God.  One result is that we are not troubled by the loss of outward things. Psalm 119:165 says that those who love God’s word have great peace and such security in the faith that nothing can ever turn them away from God.  Loving God’s word has a powerful effect on our hearts. We will not question or doubt the goodness of what God is doing in our lives. In contratst, the pathetic peace that the world gives is very unstable, it rises or falls with changing circumstances. Paul wrote that the peace of God protects our hearts and minds from influences that turn us away from Him. Not only will we be kept from falling away, but God Himself, as the ultimate source of all peace, will be with us (Philippians 4:7,9).  

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