Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Desire Factory

We all run on high-octane desires.  And our tank is never full.  It is always running on empty, always wanting more.  John Piper, whom I regard as the best teacher of this generation, has rightly called the human heart a “desire factory.” Check out his Desiring God website. All of his wonderful sermons, going back over twenty years, are available without cost.  Our desire factory never shuts down, it operates seven days a week. This is the source of sin.  We are not victims of what other people, particularly our parents, have done to us in the past.  Modern psychology is responsible for that incorrect notion.  Our problem is the sin in our hearts right now, not in anything in our past experience.  We are to deal with the past by “forgetting what lies behind” (Philippians 3:13).  Our daily battle is with the indwelling sin that is present with us right now.  We have no greater enemy than our own nature.     

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