Saturday, June 19, 2010

What You Believe Matters

One of the most harmful notions current today is the belief that it doesn’t matter what you believe, the only thing that matters is what you do.  It is so terribly harmful because so many professing Christians seem to believe this notion.  Now the idea that what you believe doesn’t matter is a belief.   So the whole notion is an absurdity!  It is a belief that will determine what the person who holds it thinks and does. It absolutely contradicts what it proclaims to be true—that what you believe doesn’t matter.  Christians who try to live by such an absurd idea will be unstable, plagued by doubts and uncertainty.  The very foundation of Christianity is that the God who created us truly exists and has communicated the knowledge we need to know Him in a written revelation of propositions that must be understood and believed in order to affect our lives.  Every person who professes to take the Bible seriously must take what it teaches—its doctrines—seriously.  They are not just for pastors. 

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