Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Comfort for Every Condition

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).  Scripture teaches that if our trust in God is strong and stable, it can bring us peace in every circumstance.  God gives us grace for this purpose.  Whatever trouble we may find ourselves in, the comfort and help we need will always be found in God!  The Bible does not exclude any condition in its assurances of divine aid.  Now such extravagant statements may seem utterly unrealistic.  But they are in the Bible, and they are meant to be taken seriously.  Isn’t  this a blessing worthy of any effort or sacrifice to obtain?  Think of what is being promised to the believer here!  I love what Richard Sibbes said on this subject: “When you find yourself in a troubled state, there is always something in God for your comfort.  If we are in trouble, there is an appropriate comfort given.  Are we sick?  He is our health.  Are we weak? He is our strength.  Are we dead?  He is our life.  It is not possible to be in any state, no matter how miserable, but there is something in God to comfort us.  There is something in God for every malady; so then trust in God.  This is the way to quiet our souls.”  

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