Thursday, June 24, 2010

God’s Glorious Power in the Heart

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort” (2 Corinthians 1:3).  I was reviewing an entry I made about a month ago on this verse.  I find that in the pressures of life, I need to be reminded regularly of the great truth expressed in it.  So I will remind you as well.  The fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives includes “peace” of heart and mind (Galatians 5:23).  This great quality of peace reveals itself in our lives as contentment.  To be satisfied at heart, regardless of circumstances, is a work only the Holy Spirit can produce.  It expresses God’s glorious power in the heart of a strong and growing believer.  What could be more wonderful than to consistently experience God-given contentment?  I want this to be a reality in my heart more and more, as I am sure you do.  It must be learned, and it will only be learned as the Christian responds to adversity as the Bible teaches, by God’s grace.  To be discontented and discouraged is most contrary to the high calling of the Christian.  We glorify God when we proclaim to the world by our lives that He is sufficient to meet our every need, in every condition.  The contented Christian is a marvel to the world.    

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