Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Living on God’s promises

“I have food to eat that you do not know about” (John 4:32).  Matthew Mead applied these words of our Lord to Christians: “Believers have comfort to live upon that the world knows nothing about.  We have the comfort of God’s promises.  And what do you think is best, to live upon earthly pleasures, or upon the promises of God?  The earthly are deceitful, but the promises are sure and faithful.  The earthly feed but sense, but the promises fill the soul.  He that lives upon the promises, lives by faith, and the life of faith is the only safe and true life in the world.  As the weak ivy secures itself by twisting about the great oak, so we are secure by cleaving to the great God.  The life of sense is full of disappointments like a deceitful brook.  To live on the promises of God is the only quiet life.”

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