Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Mystery of Providence—2

It was John Flavel’s contention that “It would not be worth living in a world devoid of God and providence.”  In support of that statement, Flavel wrote: “In heaven, how delightful a sight it will be to behold the whole design of providence that we could not understand in this world!  All the dark, intricate, and puzzling providences at which we sometimes stumbled, and which we could not reconcile with the promises, and which we so unjustly condemned and bitterly bewailed as if they had fallen out against our happiness; we shall then be able to understand them.  A soul may now enjoy sweet communion with God in his providences.”  Our earthly view of God’s sovereign providence, even with all the difficulties it presents us, has an abundance of sweetness in it.  Flavel said it was “a little heaven on earth, a highway of walking with God in this world.”  If we ignore or reject the biblical teaching on this subject, we cut ourselves off from one of the greatest sources of comfort the Scripture offers us.  We should view it as a great mercy.

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