Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Proper Use of Theology

I will mention one final way in which the Puritans had a profound influence in shaping J. I. Packer’s life.  Packer wrote: “The Puritans made me aware that all theology is also spirituality, in the sense that it has an influence, good or bad, positive or negative, on our relationship with God.  If our theology does not quicken the conscience and soften the heart, it actually hardens both; if the doctrines a Christian professes to believe do not encourage the commitment of faith, they reinforce unbelief.”  The Puritans were masters at putting every doctrine to its proper use.  In the hands of the Puritans, theology is always teaching for Christian living.  It is never detached from the reality of daily life.  Packer eloquently acknowledges the debt he owes the Puritans: “By writing as they do, no less than what they do, these authors fill their books with God for me, making me want him more as they bring him closer.”  I wholeheartedly concur! 

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